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About Us
Be - Become - Do
"In a world of distraction, brokenness, and isolation, come and see a family on a journey of seeking to Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, and Do what Jesus did. Find your place in God’s story of loving others and following Jesus, as we commit to the truth of His Word and the transformation of His great love for us."
Our mission is to make disciples who make disciples, loving God back with all oru heart, soul, mind, and strength

Be - Become - Do
The Bend Church was planted in September of 2019 with a small mission team. We gather as a house church, allowing for authentic relationships, helping each other to follow Jesus. We are broken people, who's hearts have been melted by the love of Jesus. Come and meet our family as we live out our passions for Christ and learn to love our neighbors as ourselves!

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